<![CDATA[Alexia Makeup • Hair • Beauty]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/blogRSS for NodeSun, 05 May 2024 12:49:12 GMT<![CDATA[Teeth Whitening with Sensitive Teeth: Is It Possible? ]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/exploring-the-possibilities-of-sensitive-teeth-whitening6631992e7952fb7770bae0bbTue, 30 Apr 2024 18:30:00 GMTAlexia Rocha

Most people seek a brighter, whiter smile for reasons ranging from boosting their confidence to enhancing their overall appearance. Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures. It can be done safely with professional treatments by experienced teeth whitening technicians

However, if you have sensitive teeth, you may wonder whether teeth whitening is right for you. In this blog post, we explore what causes tooth sensitivity, how to whiten sensitive teeth, considerations for dental sensitivity after teeth whitening, and other factors to keep in mind.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can arise from various issues, including:

1. Worn enamel: Enamel, the outermost layer of the teeth, is crucial in shielding the teeth from decay and external damage. Over time, aggressive brushing, consuming acidic foods and drinks, or ageing can erode the enamel, exposing the underlying dentin sensitive to hot, cold, or sweet stimuli. 2. Gum recession: As we age, or due to poor oral hygiene, the gums may recede, exposing the roots of the teeth. Since the roots contain sensitive nerve endings, this can lead to discomfort and pain.

3. Tooth decay: Cavities or decay break down the enamel, leaving the tooth structure compromised and more prone to sensitivity. This is particularly noticeable when consuming hot or cold beverages.

4. Cracked or chipped teeth: Damage to the tooth structure can expose sensitive areas of the tooth, including the dentin, which may cause pain and sensitivity.

5. Recent dental procedures: Dental work such as fillings, crowns, or professional cleanings can temporarily increase sensitivity, particularly if the work involves the removal of enamel or exposure of the dentin.

How Can You Whiten Sensitive Teeth?

If you’re looking for teeth whitening in Adelaide, you can still proceed with it even if you have sensitive teeth. Here at Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty, we offer tooth sensitivity-focused methods: 

Safe, effective and desensitising whitening gels: We proudly offer products containing a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These agents are less likely to cause irritation and sensitivity.  

1. Shorten treatment times: Reducing the exposure time of whitening agents can minimise discomfort. We work with you to carefully allow sufficient treatment time whilst tolerable by you.

2. Professional whitening: In-clinic whitening treatments may be safer and more effective for sensitive teeth. Experienced teeth whitening technicians can tailor the process to your specific needs, monitor sensitivity, and use protective barriers.

3. Aftercare: We provide crucial teeth whitening aftercare so you can achieve the best possible results and reduce sensitivity.

What About Dentin Sensitivity After Teeth Whitening?

Dentin sensitivity can occur after teeth whitening, especially when the procedure is done too frequently or with strong bleaching agents. This sensitivity usually subsides within a few days to a week. To manage post-whitening sensitivity:

Use desensitising toothpaste: Sensodyne toothpastes are great to relieve tooth sensitivity and can provide relief and protection.

Avoid very hot or cold foods and drinks: Avoiding temperature extremes can help ease sensitivity.

Take a break from whitening: If you experience significant sensitivity, consider pausing the whitening process to allow your teeth to recover.

Consult your dentist: If the sensitivity persists or worsens, seek professional advice.

Are There Other Considerations?

When deciding whether teeth whitening is suitable for you, keep the following in mind:

Existing dental work: Whitening agents won't change the colour of fillings, crowns, or veneers, which may lead to uneven colouration.

Oral health issues: Whitening should not be done if you have untreated cavities or gum disease. These issues need to be addressed first.

Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Due to limited data on safety, it's generally recommended that teeth whitening be avoided during these periods.

Maintenance: Whitening results are not permanent. To maintain your brighter, whiter smile, you may need to follow up with additional treatments.

Cost: Professional whitening by experienced teeth whitening technicians can be expensive, so consider your budget when exploring options.


Teeth whitening can enhance your smile and your confidence, but if you have sensitive teeth, it is essential to approach the process with care. Understanding what causes tooth sensitivity and how to whiten sensitive teeth safely can help you achieve the brighter, whiter smile you desire without discomfort. 

Always consult experienced teeth whitening technicians or your dentist in the first instance to ensure the best results for your treatment. For safe and affordable teeth whitening in Adelaide, book an appointment with us today. 

<![CDATA[Eyebrow Tattoo Removal – How To Choose the Best Service Provider]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/eyebrow-tattoo-removal-how-to-choose-the-best-service-provider66209d4035d44c0cf05e2903Thu, 18 Apr 2024 04:19:25 GMTAlexia Rocha

With cosmetic tattoos on the rise, there has also been a growing necessity to reverse these permanent makeup procedures. Whether it's due to a botched job in the first place or due to changes in personal style, many individuals often seek laser eyebrow tattoo removal. The reasons may vary from the cosmetic tattoo fading to undesired colours, or even a horrifying experience which really can deeply impact self-esteem and confidence. 

Removing a tattoo is a big decision—the same as getting one. And the same precautions need to be adhered to. For example, its important to choose a safe and reliable clinic to get your cosmetic tattoo removal procedure done safely. 

This blog highlights a few important factors to consider when choosing an eyebrow tattoo removal near me. 


Cosmetic tattoo removal heavily relies on advanced technology and expertise. Opting for a service that utilises TGA listed equipment such as state of the art lasers ensure safer and more efficient removal. Laser technology specifically designed for tattoo removal can target pigment particles without causing significant damage to the surrounding skin. Therefore, when choosing a removal service, enquire about the technology they employ to ensure optimal results with minimal risk of adverse effects.

Experience and Training

Experience and training play pivotal roles in the success of tattoo removal procedures. Entrusting your eyebrows to experienced professionals who have undergone comprehensive training in laser eyebrow tattoo removal techniques minimises the likelihood of complications and ensures a higher standard of care. Established practitioners have a deeper understanding of skin anatomy, pigment types, and removal protocols, which translates to better outcomes for clients.


Safety should always be a top priority when undergoing any cosmetic procedure. Reputable tattoo removal services adhere to strict safety protocols to safeguard the health and well-being of their clients. This includes conducting thorough assessments to determine candidacy, using sterilised equipment, and providing aftercare instructions to promote proper healing. Prioritise safety by choosing a clinic that follows industry regulations and prioritises hygiene and client comfort throughout the process. 

Client Reviews and Testimonials

Before committing to any cosmetic clinic, take the time to research client reviews and testimonials. Honest feedback from past clients can offer valuable insights into the quality of service, results achieved, and overall satisfaction levels. Look for testimonials that highlight positive experiences, successful outcomes, and professionalism. Conversely, be wary of clinics with a high number of negative reviews or insufficient client feedback, as this may indicate subpar service or inadequate results.

Customised Treatment Plans

Every individual's skin and tattoos are unique, requiring personalised treatment plans for optimal results. The right cosmetic tattoo removal clinic will conduct a thorough assessment of your specific needs and customise a treatment plan tailored to address your concerns effectively. Whether you require complete tattoo removal or partial correction, a personalised approach ensures that your goals are prioritised, and the treatment is tailored to your skin type, pigment density, and desired outcome.


A comprehensive consultation is the first essential step of any tattoo removal process. During the consultation, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your concerns, goals, and expectations with a qualified professional. The removal provider will assess your tattoo, explain the removal process, and address any questions or concerns you may have. Additionally, the consultation allows you to gauge the expertise and professionalism of the removal service, helping you make an informed decision about proceeding with the treatment.

Realistic Expectations

Managing realistic expectations is crucial when undergoing eyebrow tattoo removal. While technological advancements have made significant strides in achieving desirable outcomes, complete removal may not always be feasible in a single session. Depending on factors such as tattoo size, pigment type, and skin sensitivity, multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. It's essential to understand that tattoo removal is a gradual process, and patience is key to achieving optimal outcomes without compromising skin health.


Choosing the right tattoo removal service is paramount to achieving safe, effective, and satisfactory results. By prioritising factors such as technology, experience, safety protocols, client testimonials, personalised treatment plans, thorough consultations, and realistic expectations, individuals can ensure a positive experience throughout the removal process. 

Always research diligently, ask questions, and trust your instincts when selecting a cosmetic clinic for eyebrow tattoo removal near me. By making the right choice, you can embark on your tattoo removal journey with confidence, knowing that your eyebrows are in capable hands.

For safe and effective cosmetic tattoo removal, book a consultation at Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty today. 

<![CDATA[The Ultimate Guide to Crafting a Skincare Routine for Acne-Prone Skin]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/the-ultimate-guide-to-crafting-a-skincare-routine-for-acne-prone-skin660b83aa471379f9c499d664Tue, 02 Apr 2024 05:30:43 GMTAlexia Rocha

Let's be honest—staring down a new pimple in the mirror is enough to make anyone want to crawl back under the covers. Acne can be a real confidence crusher, leaving you wondering:

Why is my skin stuck on this breakout rollercoaster?

Am I using the wrong products? 

Is there some magical skincare routine that everyone but me knows about?

Those stubborn pimples can be confidence-crushers, keeping you up at night wondering what you're doing wrong. You scroll through social media, seeing flawless complexions and wonder if that'll ever be you. "Acne can be a real drag," says Lilly Stevens, beautician and laser hair removal expert. "It can make you feel self-conscious and like you've tried everything. But trust me, there's a way to take control!" The good news is you're not alone. Did you know that a significant portion of the population reaches for acne solutions daily in the land down under? 

Over two-fifths of Australians use skincare products multiple times a day to combat acne. If you're part of this crowd, you're not alone in the battle against blemishes.

Crafting the perfect skincare routine for acne-prone skin can be daunting, but it's worth taking with the proper guidance.

Here's your ultimate guide to creating a skincare regimen that combats acne while nurturing your skin.

Understanding Acne-Prone Skin

Oilier skins are more susceptible to developing acne, a condition characterised by the appearance of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and sometimes deeper lesions like cysts and nodules.

This susceptibility can be due to various factors, including overactive oil glands, hormonal fluctuations, and a propensity for pores to become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria.

Acne-prone skin requires a delicate balance of cleansing, exfoliation, and moisturisation. Key ingredients like salicylic acid, AHA’s and benzoyl peroxide are acne's adversaries, targeting breakouts and preventing new ones from forming.

Moreover, people with acne-prone skin often must be more mindful of their skincare routine and lifestyle choices to manage their skin condition effectively.

Lost in a Sea of Skincare Advice? Here’s Your Perfect Routine for Clearer Skin

Step 1: Cleansing

Cleansing is the cornerstone of any skincare routine, especially for acne-prone skin. Choosing a cleanser that removes excess oil and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural moisture is essential.

  • Morning and Night: Cleanse your skin twice daily using a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser.

  • Product Recommendation: Look for salicylic acid cleansers to help unclog pores.

Step 2: Exfoliation

Exfoliation is a process that involves the removal of dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. This is important because dead skin cells can build up over time and clog your pores, leading to breakouts and other skin issues.

By removing these dead skin cells, you unclog your pores and reveal fresh, new skin cells underneath, giving your skin a more youthful and radiant appearance.

Additionally, exfoliation can help improve the absorption of other skincare products, such as moisturisers and serums, by allowing them to penetrate deeper into your skin.

  • Frequency: Exfoliate 2-3 times a week, depending on your skin's sensitivity.

  • Key Ingredients: Use salicylic or glycolic acid products for chemical exfoliation that's effective yet gentle on the skin.

Step 3: Acne-Fighting Ingredients

If you are struggling with acne, incorporating acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide into your skincare routine can help combat breakouts.

AHA's works by exfoliating dead skin cells, unclogging pores, and reducing inflammation, while Salicylic Acid and benzoyl peroxide helps to kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce oil production.

You can find these ingredients in various skincare products, such as cleansers, toners, spot treatments, and moisturisers. It's important to note that everyone's skin is different, so it's best to start with a lower concentration of the active ingredient and gradually increase as needed.

Step 4: Moisturising

Maintaining proper moisture levels in your skin is essential, even if you have oily and acne-prone skin. Using a moisturiser that suits your skin type can help balance sebum production and prevent excess oiliness, further exacerbating breakouts.

However, choosing a formula that won't clog your pores and cause more acne is essential. Look for lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturisers containing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or glycerin to hydrate and soothe your skin without feeling greasy or heavy.

  • Non-Comedogenic Formulas: Choose oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturisers to keep skin hydrated

  • Hydration Boost: Consider a hydrating serum with hyaluronic acid for an extra moisture boost.

Step 5: Sun Protection

Sunscreen is a highly essential skin care product that plays a vital role in protecting acne-prone skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. Excessive exposure to UV radiation can cause inflammation, redness, and acne breakouts, making it crucial to use sunscreen to prevent further damage to the skin.

Moreover, UV rays can lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which causes dark spots on the skin. Using sunscreen regularly protects your skin against these harmful effects and maintains healthy, clear skin.

  • Broad-Spectrum SPF: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 50 daily.

  • Mineral Sunscreens: Opt for oil-free sunscreens less likely to irritate or clog pores.

Step 6: Personalised Routine

When managing acne, it's essential to tailor your skincare routine based on your skin type and the severity of your acne.

For instance, if you have oily skin, you may need to use products designed to control excess oil production, while if you have dry skin, you may need to use products that provide extra hydration.

Similarly, if you have mild acne, you may be able to get by with gentle, over-the-counter treatments, while if you have moderate to severe acne, you may need prescription-strength medications.

By understanding your skin type and the severity of your acne, we can create a personalised skincare routine that effectively targets your specific needs.

  • Mild Acne: Focus on gentle exfoliation and hydration.

  • Severe Acne: Consult a dermatologist for prescription treatments and a customised skincare with your dermal therapist.

Dermal Therapy Treatments for Acne

If you want to improve your skincare routine at home, consider incorporating clinic treatments specifically designed for acne-prone skin. 

These treatments can help to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and promote clearer, healthier-looking skin. Whether you opt for a gentle exfoliating scrub, a clarifying mask, or a targeted spot treatment, plenty of options are available to help you achieve your skincare goals from the comfort of your home.

So why not treat yourself to a relaxing spa day and give your skin the care it deserves?

  • China Doll Facial: A non-invasive treatment that exfoliates, extracts, and hydrates the skin.

  • Chemical Peels: Professional peels with salicylic or glycolic acid can help clear acne and improve skin texture.

  • Light Therapy: Phototherapy can reduce inflammation and kill acne-causing bacteria.

Skin Goals Don't Happen Overnight—Connect With Alexia and Say "Bye Felicia" to Blemishes

The path to acne-free skin is a journey of self-discovery and consistency. Embrace the process, celebrate your progress, and know every step is a stride towards radiant confidence.

Alexia Makeup Hair and Beauty is a beacon of expertise and personalised care for those seeking a guiding light on this journey.

With over 20 years of experience in Adelaide's beauty scene, Alexia offers a sanctuary for rejuvenation and transformation. From cutting-edge treatments to nurturing your natural beauty, we invite you to book your appointment and join the ranks of thousands who have achieved their skin goals with us.

Achieving flawless skin is now within your grasp! Don't hesitate to take the first step towards your skin goals. Book an appointment or contact Alexia Makeup Hair and Beauty at 0416101442 or contact@alexia.com.au for a personalised consultation.

Join the ranks of thousands who have already transformed their skin and experience the confidence boost that comes with it!

<![CDATA[MICROBLADING: Reviving Confidence with Time-Saving, Low-Maintenance Beauty – A Restorative Solution ]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/microblading-reviving-confidence-with-time-saving-low-maintenance-beauty-a-restorative-solution65ee69a4238c04bd6fcf547bMon, 11 Mar 2024 02:38:15 GMTAlexia Rocha

Microblading is a beacon of hope for many, seamlessly blending beauty and health. The Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation Inc. reports a striking statistic:

Approximately 1-2% of Australians experience significant eyebrow loss.

Microblading, with its promise of semi-permanent, beautifully crafted eyebrows, offers an aesthetic enhancement, a profound boost in confidence, and a return to normalcy for those affected by medical conditions. This technique is a step towards healing and self-reclamation.

"Microblading transforms more than just brows; it renews confidence and simplifies beauty routines, offering a fresh start every day," says lifestyle and self-empowerment coach Greyson Piper at Pickup Line.

Let’s explore the benefits of microblading on reviving the confidence of individuals as a restorative solution.

1. Enhances Natural Beauty

Microblading transforms sparse eyebrows into full, beautifully shaped arches that look entirely natural. This technique uses fine strokes that mimic natural hairs, blending seamlessly with your existing eyebrows. The result? A perfectly framed face, where the eyes become the focal point, enhances your natural beauty without requiring daily makeup application.

2. Saves Time

Imagine reclaiming the minutes spent every morning drawing and filling in your eyebrows and worrying about them looking even. Eyebrow microblading offers this freedom, providing a perfect set of eyebrows from the moment you wake up. This means no more rushed mornings or constant mirror checks throughout the day—just lasting, hassle-free beauty.

3. Low Maintenance

After the initial healing period, microbladed eyebrows require little to no daily upkeep. Forget the smudging or fading commonly associated with eyebrow pencils or powders. With microblading, you enjoy consistently shaped, full eyebrows that withstand the test of time, sweat, and even water.

4. Long-lasting Results

Microblading offers enduring beauty with results lasting up to 6-18 months depending on the individual’s skin type and lifestyle. This longevity means that, aside from occasional touch-ups, you can enjoy the convenience of beautiful eyebrows for years. It's a long-term investment in your appearance, sparing you the daily effort of eyebrow makeup.

5. Safe and Effective Post-Medical Treatment

Microblading shines as a beacon of restoration for those recovering from medical treatments affecting hair growth. It's a gentle, non-invasive solution that beautifully restores eyebrow fullness, offering an aesthetic boost that can profoundly affect one's self-image and recovery journey.

6. Customisable and Versatile

Microblading is not a one-size-fits-all technique. It's carefully customisable, with the ability to tailor the shape, colour, and density of the brows to suit individual preferences and features. Whether you're seeking a subtle enhancement or a bold new look, microblading can be adapted to meet your unique beauty goals.

7. Psychological Boost

The impact of microblading goes beyond skin deep. For many, it's pivotal in regaining control over their appearance, particularly after challenging medical treatments. This regained autonomy can lead to significant psychological uplift, enhancing overall well-being and confidence in one's appearance.

Start Your Journey to Timeless Radiance With Alexia

Microblading emerges as a powerful tool in the beauty arsenal, offering more than just aesthetic improvements. It's a restorative solution that can significantly enhance the quality of life for those affected by medical conditions or those seeking a low-maintenance beauty routine. By opting for this semi-permanent solution, individuals can enjoy the freedom and confidence of having effortlessly beautiful eyebrows.

Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty offers a sanctuary for transformative anti-aging solutions, blending the art of cosmetic tattoos with the latest skin rejuvenation technologies. Our holistic skin clinic is dedicated to pioneering innovative anti-aging methods, ensuring each of our esteemed clients receives bespoke treatments tailored to their unique needs.

Contact us for a detailed exploration of our services or to schedule a consultation. We're here to guide you on your journey to radiant, youthful skin.

<![CDATA[Thinking of Getting a Cosmetic Tattoo? Everything You Wanted to Know!]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/thinking-of-getting-a-cosmetic-tattoo-everything-you-wanted-to-know65cdd067206b2708053755b3Thu, 15 Feb 2024 09:01:08 GMTAlexia Rocha


In the ever-evolving world of beauty enhancements, cosmetic tattooing has emerged as a game-changer, offering a semi-permanent solution to traditional makeup routines. As individuals seek innovative ways to simplify their daily beauty rituals, the demand for cosmetic tattoos in Adelaide has skyrocketed. 

In this blog, we delve into the world of cosmetic tattoos, exploring different types and other common concerns. 

What is a Cosmetic Tattoo?

Cosmetic tattoo, also known as permanent makeup or micropigmentation, involves the application of pigments into the skin's epidermal layer to enhance facial features. This technique mimics the appearance of makeup, providing a semi-permanent solution to common beauty concerns. The process typically involves a skilled technician using a specialised tattoo machine or microblading tool to create natural-looking enhancements.

Why Get a Cosmetic Tattoo?

The investment of cosmetic tattoos lies in their ability to streamline daily beauty routines and address common concerns. Individuals choose to get a cosmetic tattoo in Adelaide to achieve long-lasting results for features such as eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips. For those with sparse eyebrows or uneven lip pigmentation, cosmetic tattoos offer a solution that withstands the test of time, saving valuable minutes during morning routines.

Moreover, individuals with active lifestyles find comfort in the idea of sweat-proof and smudge-proof makeup. Cosmetic tattoos provide a reliable solution for maintaining a polished appearance without the need for frequent touch-ups.

Types of Cosmetic Tattoo Services

Eyeliner Tattoo

Enhancing the eyes is a popular choice among those seeking cosmetic tattoos. Eyeliner tattoos define the eyes, providing a subtle or dramatic effect depending on personal preference. Going for an eyeliner tattoo in Adelaide particularly appeals to individuals suffering from poor eyesight, Shaky hands or those who struggle with applying eyeliner evenly.

Eyebrow Tattoo

Sparse or over-plucked eyebrows can be a source of frustration for many. Eyebrow tattoos, including microblading, offer a semi-permanent solution to achieve well-defined and natural-looking brows. Getting an eyebrow tattoo in Adelaide involves creating hair-like strokes that blend seamlessly with existing eyebrow hair, resulting in a fuller and more sculpted appearance.


Often confused with traditional eyebrow tattoos, microblading is a specialised technique that involves manually creating fine hair-like strokes using a micro blade. Opting for microblading in Adelaide gives you a hyper-realistic and natural look, making it a sought-after option for those desiring impeccably shaped eyebrows.

Lip Tattoo

Lip tattoos provide a solution for individuals looking to enhance the colour and shape of their lips or defining the lip border which have faded. Whether aiming for a subtle tint or a more pronounced lip line, getting a lip tattoo in Adelaide allows for customisation to achieve the desired effect and your favourite colour.

Is Cosmetic Tattoo Safe?

One of the foremost concerns individuals have about cosmetic tattooing is its safety. When performed by a trained and licensed technician in a sterile environment, cosmetic tattoos are generally considered safe. However, it is crucial to research and choose a reputable professional for a cosmetic tattoo in Adelaide to minimise the risk of complications.

Before undergoing the procedure, individuals should disclose any pre-existing medical conditions or allergies to ensure the safety of the pigments used. Following aftercare instructions is equally important to promote proper healing and reduce the risk of infection.  Here at Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty, we are extremely thorough with your consultation, pre and post treatment advice to ensure you have the best experience and that you will get the best results for your investment.

Is Cosmetic Tattoo Painless?

While pain tolerance varies among individuals, many find cosmetic tattoos to be a relatively tolerable experience. Our therapists use topical numbing cream before and during your treatment to minimise discomfort. It is essential to communicate openly with your artist about any pain concerns to ensure a comfortable experience.

Is Microblading the Same as Getting a Cosmetic Tattoo?

Microblading is a type of cosmetic tattoo, but the terms are not interchangeable. The main distinction lies in the technique used. While traditional cosmetic tattoos involve a tattoo machine, microblading is a manual method that uses a handheld tool to create fine, hair-like strokes. Both procedures fall under the umbrella of cosmetic tattooing as we are injecting pigment into the skin, offering semi-permanent enhancements.


Cosmetic tattoos have revolutionised the beauty industry, providing a semi-permanent solution for those seeking to enhance their features effortlessly. With a variety of services, including eyeliner, eyebrow, and lip tattoos, individuals can achieve natural-looking results that withstand the test of time. 

As with any cosmetic procedure, it is crucial to prioritise safety, choose a qualified professional with extensive experience, and communicate openly about expectations and concerns. Whether simplifying daily beauty routines or addressing specific concerns, cosmetic tattooing continues to empower individuals with a lasting and personalised solution that boosts confidence.

Interested in getting a cosmetic tattoo in Adelaide? Book a consultation with us Today! 

<![CDATA[Eyebrow Tattoo Removal: What to Expect and How to Prepare]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/eyebrow-tattoo-removal-what-to-expect-and-how-to-prepare659255fac45f781c68bbee8cMon, 01 Jan 2024 06:16:22 GMTAlexia Rocha

The rise of eyebrow tattooing has been significant. According to the Australian Government's Department of Health, nearly 20% of Australians with tattoos regret getting them, and a portion of these regrets are related to people feeling unhappy with their results from receiving cosmetic tattoos like eyebrows, lips or eyeliner.

Understanding the removal process is crucial for those who wish to reverse this cosmetic choice.  With that, let’s dive into what to expect and how to prepare for your eyebrow tattoo removal below:

1. Initial Consultation

The first step in eyebrow tattoo removal is a consultation with an experienced professional. They will assess the work, colour and symmetry of the tattoo and discuss your desired outcomes to determine the most effective removal method for you. It's also a time for you to ask questions and discuss any concerns.

2. Choosing the Right Method

There are several methods for eyebrow tattoo removal, including laser removal, and saline removal. Laser removal, the most common technique, uses focused light beams to break down the ink particles. Saline is a non-laser method implanted directly onto the tattoo, much like the same method as the pigment is tattooed into the top layers of the skin. The solution is absorbed by the pigmented cells and bonds with the pigment. This breaks down the pigment and pushes it to the surface of the skin where it forms a scab. When the scab falls off after 5-10 days, the pigment goes with it, lightening and removing the saturation.  Your specialist will recommend the best method based on your tattoo.

3. Preparing for the Procedure

To prepare, avoid sun exposure as tanned skin can affect the effectiveness of the removal process. You should also stop using skincare products containing retinol or glycolic acid at least a week before the procedure, as these can sensitise the skin.

4. During the Removal Sessions

Eyebrow tattoo removal typically requires 1-3 sessions, with each session lasting from 60 mins, depending on the method used. The number of sessions varies based on how dark the tattoo is, the type of ink used and how deep in is implanted in the skin. During laser removal, you'll wear protective eye gear and get numbed prior to treatment so you are comfortable.

5. Aftercare and Recovery

Post-procedure care is vital for healing and best results. Expect some redness, swelling, and tenderness in the treated area. Follow your specialist's instructions, which may include applying a healing ointment, avoiding sun exposure, lots of cold compresses to reduce inflammation and not picking at any scabs that form. Full healing can take several weeks.

6. Side Effects and Risks

While eyebrow tattoo removal is generally safe, it comes with some risks. Potential side effects include infection, scarring, and changes in skin pigmentation. Choosing a reputable professional and following aftercare instructions to minimise these risks.

7. Realistic Expectations

It's important to have realistic expectations. Complete removal isn't always possible, and the process can be lengthy and sometimes uncomfortable. The goal is significant fading, making it easier to cover up the old tattoo or leave it faint enough to be less noticeable.

8. Cost Considerations

The cost of eyebrow tattoo removal here at Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty is $150 p/session. It's an investment, so ensure you're committed to the process before starting.

Discover the Path to Renewed Confidence with Alexia. Embarking on the journey of eyebrow tattoo removal?

Alexia is here to help you. Specialising in cosmetic tattoos and pioneering anti-aging techniques, Alexia combines her expertise with cutting-edge technology and years of experience to offer exceptional services. Whether it's reversing a cosmetic tattoo decision or enhancing your natural beauty, Alexia's approach ensures the highest quality results tailored to each client's unique needs.

Contact us for a personalised consultation and discover how we can help you achieve your desired look. We're here to guide you every step of the way on your journey to rejuvenation and confidence.

"Understanding the decision to remove an eyebrow tattoo is as important as understanding why one gets it in the first place. With so many Australians expressing regret over their tattoos, eyebrow tattoo removal can offer a solution, but it's a process that requires careful consideration and professional guidance," explains Olivia Jones, a leading aesthetic practitioner and beauty & fashion writer at 8news.com.au — one of Australia's reputable news channels.

<![CDATA[Discover the Amazing Benefits of Teeth Whitening]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/discover-the-amazing-benefits-of-teeth-whitening656418066e7bcded33edce67Mon, 27 Nov 2023 04:25:56 GMTAlexia Rocha

A dazzling smile can make a memorable first impression. A radiant, bright smile not only enhances your looks but also gives you a boost of confidence. Thanks to professional teeth whitening, getting brighter and whiter teeth is now easier than ever.

Whether you're preparing for a special occasion or simply seeking a confidence boost, cosmetic teeth whitening is the simplest way to achieve a stunning smile. In this blog, we look at some amazing benefits of teeth whitening treatment.

1. Enhances Smile

The most obvious benefit of teeth whitening is the beautiful smile you get. Over time, our teeth can become discoloured due to various factors such as coffee, tea, red wine, tobacco,, health reasons or simply the natural aging process. Cosmetic teeth whitening is a highly effective solution to remove stains and discolouration, making your teeth several shades whiter. This enhancement not only makes your smile look more attractive but also healthier.

2. Boosts Confidence

A bright, white smile can significantly boost your confidence and self-esteem. When you feel good about your smile, you're more likely to express yourself openly and engage with others without self-consciousness. The boost in confidence can positively impact your personal and professional life, allowing you to exude self-assuredness and charm.

3. Customisable Treatment

Teeth whitening packages can be tailored to your specific needs and preferences. This means you get customisable treatment. Patients can choose the level of whitening they desire, ensuring that you achieve the exact results you're looking for. By controlling how many shades whiter your teeth should be, you can prevent them from looking unbearably fake-looking.

4. Affordable Makeover

Teeth whitening services give you an affordable and effective makeover. Instead of investing in expensive and invasive cosmetic dental procedures, our teeth whitening in Adelaide can provide a remarkable transformation at a fraction of the cost. It is a budget-friendly way to have a glow-up for your face.

5. Whiter Teeth Look Younger

Yes! Whiter teeth are often associated with a more youthful appearance. As we age, our teeth naturally darken, and this can make us look older than we actually are. Professional teeth whitening can reverse the effects of aging by brightening your smile and giving you a more youthful, vibrant look.

6. Hides Other Imperfections

Teeth whitening not only enhances the colour of your teeth but can also hide other imperfections, such as chipping, misalignment, and minor irregularities. The improved colour and overall appearance of your teeth can make these imperfections less noticeable, providing a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing smile.

7. Long-lasting Results

When performed by professionals, teeth whitening can offer long-lasting results. While over-the-counter whitening products may not work or at best provide temporary improvements, professional teeth whitening ensures a more effective and durable outcome. By following recommended teeth whitening aftercare tips, you can maintain your white smile for an extended period. This means fewer touch-up treatments and longer-lasting benefits.

Some essential teeth whitening aftercare tips to follow:

Avoid Staining Foods and Beverages for 48hrs:

Certain foods and drinks, like coffee, tea, and red wine, can stain your teeth. Limit your consumption of these items to maintain your results.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene:

Continue your regular oral hygiene routine, including brushing, flossing, and rinsing. You can use a whitening toothpaste to help preserve your white smile.

Regular Dental Check-Ups:

Schedule bi-annual dental check-ups to maintain oral health and obtain professional guidance on preserving your bright smile.

Touch-Up Treatments:

Depending on your lifestyle and preferences, you may choose to have occasional touch-up treatments to keep your smile as bright as you desire.


Professional teeth whitening has a range of benefits, from enhancing your smile to giving you an affordable makeover. If you want to reap the benefits of a radiant and bright smile, it is crucial to follow the aftercare tips.

If you’re looking for safe, effective, and affordable teeth whitening in Adelaide, then get in touch with us today. Book Appointment!

<![CDATA[Teeth Whitening – Essential Aftercare Tips]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/teeth-whitening-after-care6539cbf44e95f3cb4fb7999fThu, 26 Oct 2023 04:58:28 GMTAlexia Rocha

Patient receiving fibroblast treatment

A brighter, radiant smile can significantly boost your self-confidence and leave a lasting impression. It's no wonder that teeth whitening has become a popular cosmetic dental procedure. However, achieving those pearly whites is just the beginning of your journey to a dazzling smile. Proper teeth whitening aftercare is essential to maintain the results and ensure the health of your teeth.

In this blog, you will understand how the teeth whitening process works and explore some dos and don’ts for aftercare teeth whitening. We find out what foods to avoid after teeth whitening and what you can eat. So, let's get started.

How Teeth Whitening Works?

Before we delve into the before and after teeth whitening care tips, it is crucial to understand how teeth whitening works. Teeth often become discoloured due to various factors, including ageing, dietary choices, smoking, and poor oral hygiene. Teeth whitening procedures aim to remove these stains and discolourations, resulting in a brighter smile.

This is performed by a cosmetic therapist or dentist and involves the application of a highly concentrated whitening gel on your teeth. A special LED light may is used to activate the gel, which accelerates the whitening process. This kind of treatment delivers quick and instant noticeable results, leaving you with a brilliant smile.

Precautions to Take Before Teeth Whitening

To achieve the best results, you must abide by certain teeth whitening before and after tips. Here are some precautions to consider before the treatment:

Consult a Dentist: Before undergoing any procedure, consult with your dentist. They can assess your oral health, identify any underlying issues, and recommend an oral hygeine.

Consult a Dentist:

Before undergoing any procedure, consult with your dentist. They can assess your oral health, identify any underlying issues, and recommend an oral hygeine.

Address Dental Problems:

Ensure your existing dental issues, such as cavities or gum disease, are treated before whitening. Whitening can exacerbate these problems and lead to discomfort.

Discuss Sensitivity:

If you have a history of tooth sensitivity, discuss this with your dentist. They may recommend specific desensitising products accordingly.

Dos & Don'ts for Teeth Whitening After Care

After achieving a brighter smile, it's important to ensure that the results last. Here are some crucial dos and don'ts for post-teeth whitening care:


Maintain Good Oral Hygiene:

Brush and floss regularly to prevent the buildup of stains. Consider using a whitening toothpaste to help maintain your results.

Consume the ‘White Diet’ Foods:

If you had an in-chair whitening treatment, follow the White Diet aftercare instructions diligently. No stainy foods and drinks for 48 hrs post treatment.

Use a Straw:

When drinking beverages that can stain your teeth. This minimises contact between the liquid and your teeth.

Regular Dental Checkups:

Continue to visit your dentist for regular checkups and oral hygeine to ensure your teeth and gums remain healthy.


Avoid Staining Foods and Beverages:

Steer clear of foods and drinks that can stain your teeth, especially immediately after whitening. These include coffee, tea, red wine, and brightly coloured fruits like berries.

Quit Smoking:

Smoking is a significant contributor to tooth discolouration. If you smoke, consider quitting or at least reducing your tobacco use.

Skip Dark-Colored Sauces:

Foods with dark sauces, like soy sauce or tomato sauce, can contribute to staining. Opt for lighter alternatives or rinse your mouth after consuming them.

Limit Sugary Snacks:

Sugary snacks promote tooth decay and can affect the overall appearance of your teeth. Try to minimise your consumption of sugary treats.

What Foods to Avoid After Teeth Whitening?

A crucial part of teeth whitening aftercare is to avoid or limit certain foods and beverages that can stain your teeth. Here are some of the main culprits to watch out for:


The deep colour and acidity of coffee can lead to teeth staining. If you can't give it up, try to drink it through a straw.


Both black and herbal teas can stain teeth. Green tea is a less staining alternative.

Red Wine:

The tannins in red wine are notorious for causing tooth discolouration.


Blueberries, blackberries, and other deeply coloured berries can leave stains on your teeth. Opt for lighter fruits like apples or pears.

Curry and Red Pasta Sauces:

The vibrant yellow and red pigments can stain teeth.

What Can I Eat After Teeth Whitening?

While it is important to avoid foods and beverages that can stain your teeth, there are still plenty of delicious options that won't compromise your newly whitened smile. Here are some tooth-friendly foods for both before and after teeth whitening:

Dairy Products:

Cheese, yogurt, and milk are rich in calcium and help strengthen tooth enamel.

Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables:

Apples, carrots, and celery act as natural abrasives, cleaning the teeth while you chew.

Lean Proteins:

Chicken, turkey, and fish are excellent sources of protein and won't stain your teeth.


Almonds and cashews are good sources of protein and low in staining compounds.


Staying hydrated is essential for overall oral health. Water helps rinse away food particles and prevent stains.

Frequently Asked Questions

People are often full of queries when it comes to teeth whitening aftercare. Here, we answer some common ones.

  • 1. How long are teeth porous after whitening?

    After whitening, the porosity of your teeth after whitening depends on several factors, including the whitening method used and your oral care habits. Generally, teeth can be more susceptible to staining for a few days, typically 48 hrs after whitening. During this time, it is essential to follow a strict aftercare routine to minimise staining.

  • 2. What to do after teeth whitening?

    After teeth whitening, follow the post-treatment instructions carefully. This typically involves avoiding staining foods and beverages, practising good oral hygiene, and attending regular dental checkups.

Wrapping Up

Teeth whitening is a fantastic way to enhance your smile and boost your self-confidence. However, proper teeth whitening after care is required to maintain that brighter smile. Avoid foods and beverages that can cause staining, and follow mentioned instructions.

If you're seeking safe and trusted teeth whitening services in Adelaide, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty today.

<![CDATA[The Evolution of Fibroblast Treatments: Trends and Innovations]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/the-evolution-of-fibroblast-treatments-trends-and-innovations6534e56f00ab409530194252Sun, 22 Oct 2023 09:17:49 GMTAlexia Rocha

Patient receiving fibroblast treatment

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare reported that skin conditions are among Australia's top ten reasons for doctor visits. Among these conditions, damaged or aging skin can be exceptionally concerning. Fibroblast Plasma Therapy is a groundbreaking approach to skin rejuvenation that has been evolving rapidly.

"Skin rejuvenation is the delicate fusion of art and science, unveiling a timeless masterpiece that narrates our inner vitality. Like digital technology enhances visuals, advanced skincare and modalities reveal our skin's true, natural beauty, blending nature with innovation,” says Kelly Woods, Youtube to MP3 digital expert.

Let's look into the remarkable progress in this area, breaking down seven key trends and innovations.

1. Non-Invasive Procedures

Gone are the days when reversing signs of aging meant undergoing risky surgical interventions. Modern fibroblast treatments use techniques like plasma pens to trigger your skin's natural healing process. This is much safer than going under the knife, and recovery time is quicker, too. Imagine healing over a week instead of months!

2. Personalised Treatment Plans

Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty offers personalised treatment plans using in-depth consultations with you and skin analyses. We tailor the treatment to fit your concerns, optimising results while minimising side effects.

3. Increased Affordability

With technological advancements, the cost of fibroblast treatments is going down. This makes it accessible to more people. You can find something that fits your budget with various payment plans and options.

4. Enhanced Training and Certification

With the growing demand for fibroblast treatments, there's an emphasis on ensuring practitioners receive Comprehensive certification programs to ensure that the therapist treating your skin is not just an expert but also adheres to the highest safety and quality standards.

5. Integration with Holistic Approaches

There's a growing understanding that beautiful skin is as much about what you put into your body as what you apply to it. Leading clinics like Alexia's integrate fibroblast treatments with holistic health guidance, ensuring clients look good and feel great.

6. Smart Devices and Technology Integration

As technology advances, we witness the integration of smart devices in fibroblast treatments. These devices, often paired with mobile apps, allow for remote monitoring and adjustment of treatment parameters. This not only enhances precision but also offers patients the convenience of tracking their progress in real time.

7. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices

With an increasing emphasis on sustainability and eco-consciousness, some clinics are embracing environmentally-friendly practices in their fibroblast treatments. This includes the use of biodegradable materials, eco-friendly disposables, and responsible waste management.

Achieve Radiant Skin with Alexia

Fibroblast Plasma Therapy has come a long way, offering safer and more effective solutions for skin rejuvenation. If you seek expertise in this area, look no further than Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty. We’ve been specialising in Fibroblast since 2017.

Alexia MHB is renowned for its expertise in leading the aesthetic industry in Adelaide. We’re always at the forefront of introducing cutting-edge technology and refining anti-aging techniques. Alexia's dedication ensures only the highest quality work, meeting the unique goals of her valued clients.

Contact us at contact@alexia.com.au to unveil the secrets to youthful radiance. We're here for you, eager to guide you on your rejuvenation journey.

<![CDATA[Eyeliner Tattoo: A Permanent Solution for Beautiful Eyes]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/eyeliner-tattoo-a-permanent-solution-for-beautiful-eyes650811fa7a42143b853e310fWed, 20 Sep 2023 04:40:17 GMTAlexia Rocha

Applying eyeliner can often become a time-consuming and frustrating task. The struggle to achieve the perfect wing or keep the line symmetrical can make your morning routine stressful or even take longer than it needs. Fortunately, an eyeliner tattoo offers a simple solution to this everyday struggle. Getting an eyeliner tattoo in Adelaide is a great way to achieve a permanent makeup eyeliner that requires no smudging or constant reapplication.

In this blog, we delve into the world of eyeliner tattoos, exploring their definition, advantages, procedural aspects, longevity, and more.

What is an Eyeliner Tattoo?

A permanent eyeliner tattoo is a cosmetic procedure that uses a specialised tattoo machine to implant pigment along the lash line, creating the appearance of eyeliner. The procedure is performed by a professional cosmetic tattoo artist who has the training and experience to ensure precise and long-lasting results.

The Benefits of Eyeliner Tattoo

One of the biggest advantages of getting an eyeliner tattoo is its permanence. An eyeliner tattoo can last for years, saving you time and effort in applying eyeliner daily. You can say goodbye to smudged eyeliner and hello to flawless eyes at all times.

Eyeliner permanent makeup is also a great option for people with poor eye sight, shaky hands, allergies or sensitivities to cosmetic products. You can finally bid farewell to eye irritation caused by conventional eyeliners and the never-ending quest for hypoallergenic alternatives. With an eyeliner tattoo, your eyes will always look fabulous without any discomfort.

Different Styles of Eyeliner Tattoo

An eyeliner tattoo can be applied in a variety of styles to suit different preferences and eye shapes. Whether you prefer a thin, natural-looking line or a bold and dramatic wing, we can customise your look to your desired style and eye shape. You can even opt for a different colour to enhance your eye colour or experiment with different looks. At Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty, we personalise the treatment for you.

The Process

Getting a tattoo eyeliner is a straightforward procedure. First, you will have a consultation with a professional cosmetic tattoo artist to discuss your desired style and preferred look. This is also an opportunity to ask any questions or concerns you may have.

Once all queries are addressed, and your eyeliner tattoo style is finalised, the artist will clean and prep your eye area before applying a topical numbing cream to ensure your comfort during the procedure.

Once the numbing cream takes effect, the artist will map out the shape and use a tattoo machine to implant the pigment into your lash line, creating the desired eyeliner shape. The procedure usually takes around 2 hours, depending on the complexity of the style.

Explore our eyeliner tattoo before-and-after gallery for additional visual references.

Does Eyeliner Tattoo Hurt?

The sensation experienced during the eyeliner tattoo procedure varies from one person to another. Most individuals report feeling little to no pain, thanks to the topical numbing cream applied beforehand and during the process. However, it is common to feel a slight discomfort or a scratching sensation during the process. Rest assured that the discomfort is temporary, and the end result will be well worth it.

Eyeliner Tattoo: Healing Process

Before getting an eyeliner tattoo, it is important to have realistic expectations. During the healing process, the tattooed area may appear darker and more intense than the desired result. However, as the skin heals and the tattoo settles, the final result will be a beautiful, natural-looking eyeliner that enhances your eyes. We usually book a follow-up visit to do minor touch-ups and perfect the work.

How Long Does it Take to Get an Eyeliner Tattoo?

The procedure for getting a permanent eyeliner tattoo takes a couple of hours. The healing process after an eyeliner tattoo, however, can take several days to weeks. Initially, you may experience some swelling and redness, which should subside over 48 hrs. It is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your cosmetic tattoo artist to ensure proper healing.

Aftercare Tips after Getting Eyeliner Tattoo

Proper aftercare is essential to ensure the best results from your eyeliner tattoo. Here are some tips to follow:

1.Keep the area clean and dry for the first few days.

2.Avoid rubbing or scratching the tattooed area.

3.Apply the recommended aftercare crème as instructed by your cosmetic tattoo artist.

4.Avoid exposing the tattooed area to direct sunlight or swimming pools.

5.Do not apply any makeup or eyeliner on the tattooed area until it is fully healed.

How Long Do Permanent Eyeliner Tattoos Last?

Permanent makeup eyeliner can last for several years, but its longevity can vary depending on factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and sun exposure. To maintain its vibrancy, touch-ups are recommended annually, depending on individual needs.

How Much Does a Permanent Eyeliner Tattoo Cost?

An eyeliner tattoo cost can vary depending on various factors, such as location, the expertise of the cosmetic tattoo artist, and the complexity of the style. On average, the cost of eyeliner tattoo ranges from $200 to $800. It is advisable to conduct thorough research and consult with multiple professionals to find a reputable eyeliner artist who meets your expectations and budget.


A permanent eyeliner tattoo offers a convenient and practical solution for individuals seeking beautifully defined eyes without the daily makeup routine. Increasingly, people are embracing this procedure for its long-lasting effects and natural appearance.

As an eyeliner and eyebrow specialist in Adelaide, Alexia specialises in cosmetic eyeliner treatments and eyebrow enhancements. Whether you want thicker, more defined brows or seek eyebrow tattoo removal, we are the trusted professionals to fulfil all your cosmetic needs.

To get a perfectly winged eyeliner permanently, reach out to us today.

<![CDATA[Understanding Dark Lip Neutralisation: A Comprehensive Guide]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/understanding-dark-lip-neutralisation-a-comprehensive-guide64fef3e0635e9d600cee76daMon, 11 Sep 2023 11:14:13 GMTAlexia Rocha

In the makeup and beauty world, achieving the perfect lip colour can be a challenge, especially when dealing with uneven undertones or melanin rich lips. Lip neutralisation, a cosmetic tattoo technique rooted in colour theory, is gently executed to lighten and neutralise the darkness often seen in ladies’ lips of various ethnic backgrounds.

“It's not just about picking a lipstick shade; it's about understanding how colours interact and using that knowledge to create a flawless canvas for lip colour application,” says Olivia Jones, a health and beauty journalist at 8 News.

Whether you're a makeup novice or a seasoned pro, enhancing your lip-neutralisation prowess will elevate your PMU game.

The Science Behind Lip Neutralisation

Lip neutralisation operates at the intersection of art and science, drawing heavily from colour theory principles. The interaction of colours, as demonstrated by the colour wheel, forms the foundation of this technique.

According to the Pantone Colour Institute's research, complementary colours, positioned directly opposite each other on the colour wheel, can cancel each other out when combined.

Neutralising Techniques For Different Undertones

Mastering these techniques with experience and knowledge, sessions may vary case by case and often more than one session is required to achieve lighter lip tone most ethnic clients seek in 2023. Tailoring your desired goal to your natural undertone will help you achieve results that enhances your natural beauty and make you feel more confident.

Cool Undertones

Most dark lips are cool undertones. For cool lip undertones, we use warm-toned correctors like peach, orange and reds. The ratio is mixed in relation to the undertone we are working with.

Selecting The Right Neutralising Products

Navigating the world of neutralising products requires understanding of quality, undertones, and product knowledge. By making informed selections, we set the stage for effective and seamless lip neutralisation.

Reputable cosmetic artists often carefully customise treatments for each client. They draw on their skill set for their blend-ability, caution to not cause hyperpigmentation on their client and flawless final healed results. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations, clients can be guided to choose the right artist for them.

Transform Your Lips With Expert Neutralisation

By understanding the science of colour theory, selecting the right products, and employing tailored techniques for your undertone, your cosmetic tattoo artist can achieve flawless lips that enhance your overall look.

At Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty, we are your one-stop destination for all things makeup, hair, and beauty. With 23 years experience, we're committed to enhancing your natural beauty.

Contact us today to invest in this life changing treatment and elevate your confidence. Our team is dedicated to providing innovative solutions tailored to your preferences, ensuring you achieve your beauty goals while leaving a lasting impression.

<![CDATA[The Art of Microblading: Achieving Natural and Perfectly Defined Brows]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/the-art-of-microblading-achieving-natural-and-perfectly-defined-brows64bcde4589959de813d26ba2Sun, 23 Jul 2023 08:14:00 GMTAlexia Rocha

Eyebrows may seem like a small detail, but they have a tremendous impact on shaping and balancing out the face. Natural and well-defined brows help to balance facial features, highlight the eyes, and give the face a rejuvenated look. With the right arch and fullness, eyebrows can even give the illusion of a lifted and youthful appearance.

"Let your natural beauty shine from the inside out. Just like yoga, the transformative effects of microblading can help you cultivate inner radiance and confidence”, says Sophia West- a yoga instructor at Poses.

Microblading is a unique technique for enhancing eyebrows that has gained popularity in the past 6 years.

Understanding Microblading

With microblading, you can achieve perfectly shaped, natural-looking eyebrows tailored to your specific preferences. Originating in Asia over 25 years ago, microblading has become popular in many parts of the world.

This technique involves creating hair-like strokes on the skin to enhance the shape and fullness of the brows, giving a realistic real natural and long-lasting looking tattooed hairs.

Microblading differs from other eyebrow enhancement techniques, such as powder brows or ‘shading’, which involves creating a powdery effect, which uses a machine to implant pigment more profoundly into the skin.

Choosing The Right Microblading Artist

It's essential to do your research and select a skilled and experienced artist who can deliver the results you desire. Start by checking the artist's certifications and qualifications, as these are indicators of their expertise and training.

You should also check out their photo gallery and read client reviews to understand their style and track record of customer satisfaction.

Book a consultation beforehand to discuss your desired brow shape and style is necessary. Ask lots of questions and how long they have been tattooing people’s faces.

By doing these things, you can ensure that you find the right microblading artist who can create your dream brows with precision and artistry. After all, it’s your face!

Preparing For Microblading

Proper preparation is critical to achieve the best results. Before your appointment, following pre-treatment instructions recommended by your artist is crucial to ensure the best outcome. You'll also want to avoid certain activities and medications that may affect the procedure. To top it off, maintaining healthy skin can also contribute to the success of the treatment.

In addition, don't hesitate to address any concerns or questions with the artist beforehand to ensure you're fully informed. By taking these steps, you can guarantee a more successful experience.

The Microblading Procedure

In ensuring a comfortable experience, numbing agents minimise discomfort prior to and during the procedure. High-quality pigments and tools are then used to create a natural-looking finish. While the length of the microblading process varies, it typically takes around two hours for an expert to complete.

Proper aftercare is essential to promote good healing, including avoiding getting the area wet and applying healing balm multiple times a day as instructed. With the appropriate care, your new eyebrows will be the best investment you ever made!

Achieve Brow Perfection With Alexia

Natural and perfectly defined brows have become a must-have in the beauty industry. A cosmetic company, Benefit Cosmetics survey, found that 91% of women consider their eyebrows a critical part of their overall beauty routine.

At Alexia Make Hair Beauty, our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to delivering exceptional results that transform your natural beauty into works of art.

Contact us today to schedule your microblading appointment and experience the artistry of perfectly sculpted brows. With our 25 years experience and attention to detail, we'll ensure your brows beautifully frame your face, boost your confidence, and leave a lasting impression.

<![CDATA[Top Skin Care Trends That Are All Over TikTok In 2023 ]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/top-skin-care-trends-that-are-all-over-tiktok-in-202364647ecf60317d955853d5d9Wed, 17 May 2023 07:27:03 GMTAlexia Rocha

In 2021, Statistcs saw a 36.1% increase of all cosmetics sales online for health & beauty products. Although skin sagging and wrinkles are natural signs of aging, it is possible to combat them and look your best at any age. Age should not be a barrier to achieving a youthful appearance, and there are still ways to manage the signs of aging and look your best.

“Based on a talk at a virtual event, taking care of your skin can help improve your complexion, reduce the effects of aging, avoid acne and other skin concerns, and ensure better product absorption. Furthermore, people have begun to value natural alternatives to the harsh chemicals found in many conventional cosmetic products.," says aesthetician and digital virtual events expert Shaun Stephens at Loghic Connect.

Here are some of the top TikTok Skin care trends for 2023 that you can consider for your skin care.

1. Collagen

Collagen is essential in numerous physiological systems, including joints, bones, and, of course, your skin. Collagen naturally degrades as you age, but not everyone enjoys having thin skin and wrinkles. Collagen and elastin are essential proteins that give your skin elasticity and "bounce." Collagen is created throughout your life but gradually declines with age. Meanwhile, elastin levels are highest in the womb and gradually decline with age.

2. Exfoliants

Your skin's ability to regenerate itself declines as you age. Because dead skin cells are unreplaceable as quickly as new cells, your skin looks dull and uneven and may even crack. Exfoliants are an excellent way to remove dead skin cells from your skin.

Exfoliants are classified into three types: physical, enzymatic and chemical. Choose an exfoliator that is gentle enough for your skin type and use it once or twice a week. This will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth.

3. Red Light LED

As light-emitting treatments have grown more inexpensive, a bright and intriguing trend has gone downstream with clinical light therapies and add-ons to your skin treatments. Several studies show the benefits of light therapy to address various skin concerns.

4. Retinol

By introducing retinol into your skincare routine slowly and between two moisturiser applications, you may avoid some of the problems that retinol can cause, including irritation and dryness. This technique has no drawbacks and may help many people avoid the problems associated with retinol. Even so, some people will react to retinol regardless.

5. Double Cleansing At Night

This is a simple yet effective method for deeply cleaning the skin. To double cleanse, use an oil-based cleanser to remove your makeup and a water-based cleanser to remove any dirt and impurities from your skin. This will leave you with cleaner, healthier-looking skin.

Live Your Best Skin Life with Alexia

People are more worried than ever about their skin and want to take better care of it. It's no wonder that so many skin care products are available nowadays but choosing the right one for your skin will prove to be the best investment you will make.

Alexia continually thinks of new, inventive methods to leverage cutting-edge technology and improve anti-aging techniques to deliver clients a personalised service and results driven outcomes.. Choose us and experience the latest skin pampering treatments tailored to your needs.

Book a complimentary consultation and let us help you achieve the young, radiant skin you deserve.

<![CDATA[Skincare Routine: Ways to Transition it From Summer to Autumn]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/skincare-routine-ways-to-transition-it-from-summer-to-autumn642a7e1dbe959f32267fe14fMon, 03 Apr 2023 07:36:29 GMTAlexia Rocha

Australian Society of Cosmetic Chemists (ASCC) suggests that as the temperatures drop and the leaves change colour, the time has come to transition from summer to autumn skincare. This shift from summer to autumn in Australia can be complicated due to extreme weathers ranging from scorching hot temperatures to cool in a single day.

"Transitioning your skincare routine from summer to autumn is like transitioning your weight loss journey from indulgence to discipline - it may require some adjustments, but the end result is a healthier, happier you," says health and wellness expert Adams O'Brien of Losing Weight Fast—one of Australia's well-known experts in weight loss training.

Using the right skincare products can keep your skin looking healthy and radiant all year. Here are some ideas for transitioning your skincare routine from summer to autumn.

1. Protect your Skin from the Sun

Just because it's autumn doesn't mean you can skip the sunscreen. The sun's UV rays can still damage your skin, even on cloudy days. Therefore, using sunscreen daily to protect your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial. Ultra-Protection Sunscreen SPF50+ is made with a non-greasy formula that protects against UVA and UVB rays.

2. Moisturise More

The air becomes drier as the weather gets cooler, and your skin is more prone to dryness particularly with indoor heating. Therefore, using a more nourishing moisturiser in the autumn months is essential. You should switch from a light moisturiser to one that is thicker and gives your skin more moisture. Age Defense Super Hydrating Creme is an excellent choice for those with dry skin as it moisturises and hydrates the skin with ingredients full of vitamins and minerals to maintain youthful skin, including CoQ10, Squalane and Pearl Extract. CoQ10 is a potent antioxidant that can re-energise skin cells to remove toxins, boost collagen and elastin production, combat free radicals and reverse free radical damage as well as soothe the skin by flushing out irritants.

3. Exfoliate Regularly

When you exfoliate your skin, you get rid of dead skin cells and open up your pores. This keeps your skin glowing and keeps you from breaking out. In the autumn months, opt for a physical and enzyme exfoliant. The glycolic, enzymes and salicylic acids in Ultra Smoothing Facial Exfoliant gently remove dead skin cells without irritating the skin.

4. Stay Hydrated

For healthy skin, drinking a lot of water is essential, which is even more important when it gets colder. As the air becomes drier, your skin needs more hydration, and drinking water can help keep your skin looking plump and radiant.

5. Book Monthly Facials

Facials can provide deep cleansing, exfoliation, and hydration your skin needs during the cooler months. Regular facials can help maintain your skin's hydration levels, improve texture, and promote a healthy complexion. Consider boking a professional facial once a month in conjunction with our at-home high-quality skincare products.

Transition Your Skincare Routine from Summer to Autumn with Expert Guidance from Alexia

Transitioning your skincare routine from summer to autumn requires a few tweaks to your daily routine. Using a more nourishing active ingredients in your moisturiser, protecting your skin from the sun, exfoliating regularly, staying hydrated and booking monthly facials are all essential for keeping your skin healthy and radiant. Alexia's range of cosmeceutical skincare can help you transition your skincare routine seamlessly, ensuring your skin stays healthy and glowing all year round.

Refrain from settling for mediocre anti-aging treatments that don't yield desired results. Choose Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty and experience the latest technology in anti-aging procedures that are tailored to your individual needs. Book a skin consultation and assessment online today, or email us at contact@alexia.com.au with any questions. Let us help you achieve the youthful, radiant skin you deserve.

You may book your skin consultation and assessment online or email us at contact@alexia.com.au for more information.

<![CDATA[How To Achieve Healthy, Glowing Skin On Your Wedding Day]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/how-to-achieve-healthy-glowing-skin-on-your-wedding-day63e5a593ea4481e0f1ff771eFri, 10 Feb 2023 02:11:05 GMTAlexia Rocha

Everyone wants to look their best when they walk down the aisle on their wedding day. The last thing you need is to worry about whether your skin is at it’s best for the day and so for lasting wedding photos. Start planning as soon as possible to ensure that you are feeling and looking your best for your special day.

According to Health Direct, skin changes as we age. The most notable differences are decrease in collagen and elastin fibres and more noticeable lines and wrinkles. Excessive sun exposure can accelerate these effects as well as visible signs of sun spots and pigmentation. What about the odd blemish or two that suddenly appears just in that last week leading up an important event.

Begin scheduling your facials and treatments and stay consistent with a prescribed skincare routine. Here are some awesome tips to get beautiful, healthy skin for your wedding day:

1. Visit Your Skin Therapist

Visit your skincare clinic in the months leading up to your wedding if you have any specific concerns. The sooner you address these skin issues, the better chances of a more glowing skin on your wedding day.

2. Start A Skincare Routine

Set up a daytime and nighttime skincare routine at least six to twelve months beforehand. Stay consistent in addition to drinking lots of water. Also, put on your broad-spectrum sunscreen each time you venture outside during the day to protect your skin from UV radiation.

3. Schedule A Monthly Facial Appointment

Plan facials once a month to prep and revitalise your skin. Facials are deeply cleansing and hydrating and maintain the appearance of healthy skin. Our treatments are bespoke and tailored to your concerns and skin needs.

4 Exfoliate

Regular skin exfoliation is crucial due to the ongoing accumulation of sebum and dead skin cells. Usually, this is to blame for the dehydrated and dull appearance. Did you know that the skin sheds dead skin every 25-28 days?

5. Use Non-Comedogenic Mineral Makeup

Non-comedogenic products are those that are non-irritating and don't cause acne. Look for wedding makeup packages with oil-free and non-comedogenic products if you're particularly worried about breakouts and oiliness.

6. Get Your Beauty Sleep

Your body repairs itself while you're sleeping and so does your skin. Aside from promoting skin regeneration, getting enough sleep will help energise your brain and keep you alert all day. Puffy eyes and dark circles are signs of sleep deprivation; use our Cupron Eye Masks to minimise wrinkles and enhance sleep.

Healthy relationships enhance physical and emotional well-being. “The brain and body overflow with oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin when in love, reducing stress. All of that improves the shine of your skin and provides free anti-aging therapy,” says dating expert Greyson Piper of Pickup Line—Australia’s top-rated relationship specialist.

Achieve Your Skin & Beauty Goals With Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty

Your skin's health depends on maintaining proper hydration, but ultimately, relax and smile on your wedding day. It’s a day of celebration!

Alexia Makeup Hair & Beauty specialised in cosmetic tattooing, skin therapies and advanced anti-aging procedures. With over 20 years of experience, we help women achieve their beauty goals.

Contact us at alexia.com.au for more information, and get to know Adelaide’s premier destination for skin and beauty services.

<![CDATA[Top 5 Popular Anti-Ageing Treatments]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/top-5-popular-anti-ageing-treatments635e09995226d61b3c2731caSun, 30 Oct 2022 05:34:46 GMTAlexia Rocha

Our largest organ, the skin, is essential to protect us from the environment. According to Better Health Channel, age-related changes are first visible in the skin. Age spots, loss of elasticity, wrinkles, damaged blood vessels, and dryness are the most common age-related skin changes. Thankfully, there are numerous approaches to solving these issues.

Many effective anti-ageing treatments are available today, ranging from peels and serums to non-surgical treatments. These methods can improve the appearance of aging skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and even boost collagen production. There are various types of anti-aging treatments. Some focus on improving the appearance of the skin, while others target specific problems such as wrinkles or tightening, lifting and contouring. Depending on your issues, the best strategy to find the proper treatment will vary.

"Our skin dries out more quickly and gets thinner as we age. This causes wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of premature aging to become more noticeable. Fortunately, some effective anti-ageing treatments can delay the process and help us look younger for longer. These treatments can be in a natural way that boosts our healthy skin," says Layla Colling of Health Hero—one of Australia's most prominent and fastest-growing websites for health information.

Here are the top 5 anti-ageing treatments you can try to achieve healthy, fresh, young skin.

1. Microneedling

A minimally invasive anti-aging therapy reduces age spots, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, rough skin tone and texture, and fine lines and wrinkles. Skin Needling has been demonstrated to thicken skin and boost collagen and elastin levels, reversing signs of aging.

2. LED Light Therapy

LED Phototherapy is a non-invasive facial procedure that promotes your body's normal cell processes to speed up skin renewal and healing. It uses narrow-band, non-thermal LED light therapy. It is recommended for skin renewal, sun damage, acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, sensitive and inflammatory disorders, wound healing, scars, and anybody wishing to bring back the shine of their skin.

3. Fibroblast Plasma Therapy

Fibroblast Plasma Therapy is a high-intensity discharge of plasma ions that creates a tiny wound in the skin, and as a result, it instantly tightens and shrinks the skin. This stimulates fibroblast cells to rebuild the skin and preserve suppleness. Skin continues to tighten over a period of 3 months post-treatment.

4. High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Facial

HIFU is a non-invasive method of treating facial laxity.It stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. This method is a component of a developing market for non-invasive anti-aging therapies that offer some of the advantages of a facelift without the downtime, risks and cost of surgery.

5. Chemical Peels

Applying a chemical solution to the skin removes the outermost layers of the skin during a chemical peel. The skin that regenerates is softer and some pigmentation marks can be lightened and removed. Chemical peels are frequently used to heal scars, pigmentation and minimise the severity of wrinkles on the face.

Time to have a much healthier and younger skin at Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty

Over time, several ideas about beauty have emerged. Before, people relied on false claimed anti-aging cremes to reverse signs of ageing or turned to plastic surgery. Now, people are looking for more natural, non-surgical approaches and modalities.

Alexia is always thinking of new, creative methods to implement the latest technology and enhance anti-aging procedures to give clients the most bespoke service and desired results.

You may book a skin consultation & assessment online or email us at contact@alexia.com.au with any questions.

<![CDATA[Why Lip Blushing Is the Hottest Treatment of 2022]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/why-lip-blushing-is-the-hottest-treatment-of-2022630d5fae8b2822ef25090110Tue, 30 Aug 2022 01:24:19 GMTAlexia Rocha

Imagine a world where you could have the perfect pout without extra work. No more need for lip liner, lipstick, or gloss!

Well, believe it or not, that dream may become a reality. According to Yelp's 2022 Beauty Trend Forecast Report, lip blushing services are predicted to increase a whopping 130%. The lip treatment is set to be the hottest beauty trend of 2022, and there are plenty of reasons why it's so revolutionary.

Keep reading to learn more about this exciting new development and how you can get in on the action.

What Is Lip Blushing?

Lip blushing is a form of cosmetic tattooing that uses natural pigment to improve the appearance of your lips. The result is a subtle flush of colour that looks like you've been wearing the perfect lip shade all along.

"Lip blushing is perfect for someone who wants to enhance their natural lip colour or improve the shape of their lips without looking like they've had anything done. It's also a great solution for those with uneven lip colour, as it can help to even out the pigmentation." says glam consultant and weight loss coach Adams O'Brien of Losing Weight Fast.

The lip blushing trend is said to have started in Korea and has since spread to other countries like the United States and Canada. Lip blushing is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to give the lips a natural, flushed look.

What Are the Benefits of Lip Blushing?

There are plenty of reasons to jump on the lip blushing bandwagon. Here are just a few of the benefits that this exciting new treatment has to offer:

1. It's Long-Lasting

Lip blushing can last up to two years, which means you can enjoy your perfect pout for a long time.

2. It's Natural-Looking

Lip blushing gives your lips a subtle flush of colour that looks like you were born with it.

3. It's Low-Maintenance

Once you've had lip blushing done, you won't have to worry about touch-ups or reapplying lip colour.

4. It's Affordable

Lip blushing is more affordable than other cosmetic procedures, such as lip injections.

5. Increased Pigmentation For Pale And Aging Lips

One of the best benefits of lip blushing is that it can help to increase lip pigmentation. This is especially beneficial for those with pale or aging lips.

6. The Ability To Customise Your Lip Shade

When you get lip blushing done, you can customise your lip shade. This means you can choose a colour perfect for your skin tone and personal style.

7. It's Pain-Free

Lip blushing is a pain-free procedure, thanks to numbing cream.

8. It's Convenient

Lip blushing is a convenient procedure that can be done in 2 hours.

9. It's Safe

Lip blushing is a safe procedure when performed by an experienced professional.

10. Enhanced Lip Symmetry

Lip blushing can help to improve the symmetry of your lips, giving you a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing look.

Lip blushing is the perfect solution if you're looking for a way to enhance your lips without looking like you've had anything done. This exciting new treatment offers several benefits that are hard to resist.

How Does Lip Blushing Work?

Now that we've triggered your appetite with all the benefits of lip blushing, you're probably wondering how the treatment works.

Lip blushing is a form of cosmetic tattooing, which means that pigment is implanted into the lips using a needle. The cosmetic tattoo artist will discuss and choose a shade of colour that compliments your natural lip colour.

Once the pigment is applied, it will spread evenly throughout the lips and create a flush of colour. The process takes a couple of hours to complete, and you'll be able to see the results immediately.

One of the best things about lip blushing is that it's a semi-permanent solution, which means you won't have to worry about touch-ups or reapplying lip colour. The lip blushing will fade gradually over time, so we recommend annual colour boost sessions to maintain your new look.

What Is the Lip Blushing Process Like?

Before your lip blushing appointment, you'll need to consult with your cosmetic tattoo artist to discuss your goals and expectations. This is an excellent opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the lip blushing process.

During the consultation, your artist will also assess your lip shape and colour to determine whether you're a good candidate for lip blushing.

Once you've decided to move forward with the lip blushing, the artist will disinfect your lips, and apply numbing cream to minimise any discomfort.

Next, the artist will use a needle to implant pigment into your lips. The needles used for lip blushing are much thinner than those used for traditional tattooing, meaning the lip blushing process is virtually painless and gentle process.

After the lip blushing is complete, your artist will apply a lip healing cream to soothe your lips and help them heal.

How Much Does Lip Blushing Cost?

Lip blushing is a more affordable alternative to other lip enhancement treatments, such as lip injections. The cost of lip blushing will vary depending on the artist and the location, but you can expect to pay $650 here at Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty. This includes both your initial sessions, follow-up visit and aftercare pack.

Is Lip Blushing Painful?

The lip blushing process is considered to be virtually painless and gentle. This is because the needles used for lip blushing are much thinner than the needles used for traditional tattooing.

If you're concerned about pain, your artist can apply numbing cream to your lips before starting the procedure.

What Is the Recovery Process Like?

Since lip blushing is a form of tattooing, your lips will need time to heal after the procedure.

You may also experience some swelling, redness, and tenderness during the recovery process. These side effects are normal and should subside within a few days.

To ensure optimal results and minimise any side effects, following the aftercare instructions provided by your lip blushing artist is essential.

- avoid water and makeup on your lips for the first few days

- avoid eating salty, hot or spicy foods after the procedure

- apply healing cream consistently for 7-10 days to soothe and hydrate your lips

- avoid sun exposure to minimise fading

- consult with your artist if you have any concerns

Once your lips have healed, you'll be able to enjoy your new lip colour for up to two years.

Beauty Is Everything, And Everything Is The Lips

Lip blushing is the perfect way to achieve sexy, luscious lips without having to go through surgery or use injections. If you're looking for a natural way to enhance your appearance and boost your confidence, lip blushing may be the perfect solution for you.

At Alexia Makeup Hair & Beauty, we offer lip blushing services to help you achieve the lips you've always wanted. Alexia will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

Contact us today to book your appointment! Be ready to lip blush your way into 2022!

<![CDATA[Top Reasons To Consider Microblading]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/top-reasons-to-consider-microblading62f4e2b86e6d90fb477c13f0Thu, 11 Aug 2022 11:19:22 GMTAlexia Rocha

Microblading is a technique for adding semi-permanent, light, wispy hair strokes to the ridge of your brows to complement your natural brows. It is a type of brow tattoo but is almost undetectable when done correctly. Microbladed brows can last up to three years in some cases, but in most cases it is recommended 6-12 month colour boosts to refresh the colour and sharpen the hair strokes.

"The procedure is popular because it produces excellent results: your brows appear thicker, more defined, and always perfect. This is an excellent choice for those who want to add density to already dense brows and those with sparse brow hairs or none at all. Anyone's brows can be made to look perfect with microblading," says Lilly Stevens of Laser Hair Removal—Australia's most exemplary laser hair removal support since 2020.

According to the NSW Ministry of Health, beauticians perform several skin penetration procedures. Because skin penetration poses an infection risk, the premises and systems used must adhere to the Public Health Regulation, 2012.

Here are the top five reasons why you should consider microblading.

1. Time-saving

Eyebrow microblading instantly creates natural-looking, enhanced brows. You won't have to spend ten to fifteen minutes perfecting your eye makeup every morning. You will no longer have to choose between being late and finishing your makeup or worry about it being wiped off. You might be able to avoid plucking and waxing as well.

2. Cost-effective

If you do your brows every day, you're spending money on brow products. You're spending money on brushes and pomades and devoting hours to the weekly task. While you will have to pay for a microblading session, it will still be a bargain because you will not have to spend as much on brow products and other non-lasting brow treatments, like Brow Lamination.

3. Complements Your Natural Look

There is some misunderstanding about what microblading is. Some are concerned that it will appear harsh and unnatural. The main distinction between tattooing and this technique is that the colour is applied in various strokes.

The pigment is blended to match your natural brow colour, so no one will be able to tell the difference. It is then applied in short strokes to mimic your natural hair rather than a single block of colour.

4. Minimal Upkeep

After the microblading treatment, there is a healing period during which you must follow the aftercare instructions. The aftercare routine includes avoiding makeup and specific products for a few weeks. Your brows are a fresh wound that you must regularly clean with good aftercare products available at Alexia's. After your brows have healed, you will have perfect brows for at least a year, if not longer.

5. A More Defined Eyebrow Shape

If only our brows were born perfectly symmetrical. Regrettably, this is not always the case. One may be naturally thinner or shorter than the other, or you may prefer a more defined arch or longer length. We can select the shape that best suits you without worrying about daily applying your makeup. Your brows frame your face; nothing makes a more significant difference in your appearance than perfectly groomed brows.

Be On The Go With On-fleek Microbladed Eyebrows By Alexia

Microblading has numerous advantages, which is why it is so popular. Make sure you find a reputable, experienced microblading artist, and then relax and enjoy your new transformation.

Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty is a holistic anti-aging skin clinic that specialises in cosmetic tattoos. Alexia seeks out novel ways to introduce new technology and improve anti-aging techniques to provide the highest quality work and desired results to all of her lovely clients.

Contact us at contact@alexia.com.au to learn more about our services, and feel free to reach out.

<![CDATA[ What Is HIFU And Its Benefits? ]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/what-is-hifu-and-its-benefits62b04194470fb78b90790328Tue, 21 Jun 2022 05:20:07 GMTAlexia Rocha

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a non-invasive facelift technique using non-ionizing ultrasound waves to promote collagen production, resulting in firmer skin. It works well for most patients and is also known to help treat tumours and body contouring.

"HIFU is one of the most proven effective ways of skin tightening. It offers great results of face lifting and body contouring without the need to take the risk of undergoing operations," says skincare consultant and health advisor Layla Colling of Health Hero.

If you're currently dealing with cellulite, you can also treat it with HIFU. So continue reading this article to learn more about its benefits!

What Is HIFU Treatment?

If you want a preferable option to lift your facial skin, there are several treatment options you can choose from, such as the HIFU technique. Most treatments that don't involve operations are not as effective as the surgical ones. However, HIFU has stepped up the game.

HIFU uses ultrasound energy to heat tissues and triggers cellular damage once they reach a specific temperature. The damage stimulates the collagen production of the cells, promoting better skin structure and improved appearance in the long run.

Benefits Of HIFU Treatment

The HIFU treatment has numerous beauty benefits, including:

● Skin tightening in the neck (also called turtle neck)

● Reducing the appearance of wrinkles

● Enhancing the jawline

● Smoothing the skin

● Lifting eyebrows, eyelids, and cheeks

● Tightening the décolletage

Additionally, a study in 2017 that involved 32 Korean people showed excellent results. The subjects were observed to have significant improvements in skin elasticity on the cheeks, thighs, and lower abdomen after 12 weeks.

A similar study with a more extensive range of respondents (93 people) perceived improvements in 66% of the participants. The majority showed improved face and neck appearance due to undergoing HIFU after 90 days.

HIFU VS Facelift

Two of the advantages of HIFU over surgical facelifts are that it carries fewer risks and is also less costly. However, the results may last as long, but the procedures may need to be repeated annually.

While HIFU is non-invasive and involves no incisions, a surgical facelift is invasive and requires incisions and sutures. Also, you don't need to have time for recovery after undergoing HIFU treatment. It only includes mild swelling and redness as side effects, while a surgical facelift can pose a risk of infection, bleeding, scarring, and blood clots.

Try Out HIFU Treatment At Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty Today!

If you are looking for a facelift and body contouring option that does not involve surgery, HIFU is the best treatment for you. It is an effective, safe, non-invasive procedure that will tighten your skin and give it a fresh look.

Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty is one of the highly sought clinics that offer HIFU in Adelaide and other advanced skin procedures. We also provide cosmetic tattoo services and anti-ageing skin treatments.

Book an appointment now and turn back time with HIFU!

<![CDATA[Cosmeceutical Grade Skincare VS Drugstore/Chemist Skincare ]]>https://www.alexia.com.au/post/cosmeceutical-grade-skincare-vs-drugstore-chemist-skincare6137605f8779dd00161b5961Tue, 07 Sep 2021 13:18:09 GMTAlexia Rocha

Are you perplexed by the abundance of skincare options available? How do you quiet down the raging wave of sponsored ads strewn over your Instagram feed? They're all marketed as being suitable for your skin. What should you do? Who should you believe?

"Choosing the proper skincare may be difficult and even confusing for some individuals. Along with all of the alternatives, you must first choose if purchasing a high-priced cosmeceutical product is worth the investment. While saving money is important, you don't want to skimp on quality and end up disappointed." says small business supporter and small business loan provider Shane Perry of Max Funding.

Given the circumstances, Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty - Adelaide's premier destination for skin and beauty services explains why you should worry about the difference between cosmeceutical and chemist skincare.

What is Cosmeceutical Skincare?

Cosmeceutical skincare refers to “active” skincare using clinically proven, highly therapeutic ingredients. Among these are ethically and locally sourced antioxidants, vitamins, and botanical extracts, which are added to products to increase their effectiveness and dramatic improve skin's health.

Furthermore, the name cosmeceutical merges the terms cosmetic and pharmaceutical to emphasize the cosmeceutical formulations' blend of science and beauty.

What Is Chemist/Department Store Skincare?

Chemist skincare are often loaded with substandard chemicals, preservatives, fragrance, and alcohol that can't reach your skin's deepest layer, the dermis. Your skin needs the most outstanding care in the deeper layers, which is disappointing because those skin cells don't receive any benefits! The majority of these ineffective ingredients of chemist skincare often sit on the skin's surface doing absolutely nothing but clogging your pores at best. Isn't it useless?

Moreover, department store, supermarket or chemist skincare has many inexpensive

Chemist skincare

fillers to prolong shelf life and provide softness and scent. These chemicals, in turn, may cause skin irritation, dryness, allergies, inflammation, dermatitis and contribute to ageing.

What's The Difference Between The Two?

Chemist, supermarket and Department Store skincare are mass-produced goods. To export internationally, they must comply with the cosmetic laws of each country. Thus, to avoid reformulating their products for each nation, which would be expensive and time-consuming, manufacturers utilise such a tiny proportion of the active ingredient just so that it can be included on the packaging which gives it the ‘sales pitch’. Frequently a poor quality product to move across the globe without legal set backs.

The excellent ones are cosmeceutical-grade skincare. When you go to your local skin clinic, you'll notice these products on the shelf. However, it’s only provided to trained skin experts who have received extensive education in the treatments and thoroughly understands how your skin works.

In using cosmeceutical skincare products, a skin therapist will consult with you, examine your skin, feel it, and recommend products and treatments to address your concerns.

Cosmeceutical-grade skincare combines a high concentration of active ingredients with medical delivery properties to penetrate deeper within the skin targeting it’s cellular layer, in which they are required to improve skin health. It’s also good to note that all of the components in cosmeceutical-grade skincare products are based on research and science.

Cosmeceutical VS Drugstore/Chemist/Department Store Skin Care: Which Is Worth The Money?

It's no secret that cosmeceutical skincare improves treatment outcomes. However, while using either cosmeceutical or chemist skincare, you need skin knowledge, appropriate guidance and recommendations since mixing incorrect products for your skin and buying what you think you need may actually lead to negative results with your skin. Before starting any treatment or regimen, consult with your skin expert to decide the best course of action and treatment plan for your skin.

Alexia Makeup Hair Beauty has skincare experts that work with three high-performance skincare ranges. We will assess your skin and recommend treatments, skincare regimens and make changes as needed to ensure that you obtain safe and effective outcomes.

So the next time you shop for skincare, choose cosmeceuticals and Alexia's expertise. Contact us for your enquiries or to book your skin consultation.
